Good things don’t last in computer technology

Technology speeds past us so quickly that you wonder if the ideas are flowing fast or if the people engaged in the industry simply have lost focus on what is good for consumers. The biggest problem is that the people in technology have a good sense of how to develop things but a terrible sense on what consumers really need. What starts out great in technology quickly deteriorates, and that includes at

By Ray Hanania

RayHanania155x130Why do people believe that a man who spends his entire life holed up in a technology lab will understand the fundamental needs of average society?

Computer geeks and technology designers are the least able to provide society with the computer technology it needs simply because they don’t engage in normal everyday experiences. They think they do and that causes problems, shortfalls, missed marks and software and hardware that is amazing but oftentimes doesn’t give consumers what they really want.

GoDaddy at started out that way when it slowly started to take over the online website hosting industry.

In 2005, Yahoo at was the hosting giant. It offered reasonably priced hosting and domain services. One day, though, the owners of Yahoo started to look at itself as a giant cash cow and they wanted to squeeze it to make money. So they started to jack up prices for hosting, for email and for domains. They started to make judgments about what could and couldn’t be done with hosting sites.

The changes Yahoo made opened the door to a strong competitor to step in and take the business, and that was GoDaddy.

Yahoo did it to Network Solutions and GoDaddy did it to Yahoo. Now, HostGator at is doing it to GoDaddy.

GoDaddy FrightNight Newsletter to its customers

GoDaddy FrightNight Newsletter to its customers

Last month, GoDaddy announced that hosting clients that were built on the Windows System (as opposed to the Linux system) had to be changed in a very dramatic way to something called Plesk.

Ask any average consumer who owns a website hosted at GoDaddy what that means and they would shrug their shoulders and say they don’t care. But GoDaddy found a way to make money in a battle with Microsoft and a partnership with Plesk which gives GoDaddy more controls.

I guess if you are building a website to micro manage the lives of 10 astronauts on the International Space Station, stuff like this minutia might mean something significant. But to the vast majority of average people, the fact that their websites are on Windows or Linux or Plesk based systems doesn’t really matter. The vast majority of people who have simple websites just don’t care and don’t need to care.

Growth of GoDaddy domains

Growth of GoDaddy domains (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

But some idiot at GoDaddy decided that these average people who just want good websites and who, when they opened their accounts on GoDaddy, selected a Windows based hosting system instead of the Linux hosting system because, frankly, “who gives a shit!” have to care and switch away from Windows.

If they don’t, their websites will be shut down. Millions of websites are at risk.

Fine. If we have to change. Change them. Move them to the linux system. Why put the burden on the millions of website owners who just don’t care?

GoDaddy, like any many corporate that has seen successful revenue generation and huge profits, has lost site of who is really important. The customers or their bottom line. Instead, they are working to impress the analyst robber barons at JP Morgan and other Wall Street investment companies because they want their stock to surge.

So, they email millions of GoDaddy customers and announce that the Windows based hosting systems used by their websites are shutting down and the customer, not GoDaddy, needs to “migrate” your website from the Windows systems on GoDaddy to a new system called Plesk on GoDaddy.

And they notified customers in an automatic email that reads:

Migrate your website content to your free Plesk hosting account.

ACTION REQUIRED: If you do not back up or migrate your site content, you will no longer have access to it after June 24, 2015.

On June 24, 2015, your current Windows hosting will be removed, so you’ll need to activate your new hosting plan and move your content before then to ensure your website stays up and running. If you do not back up or migrate your site content, you will no longer have access to it after June 24, 2015.

That sure sounds ominous.

They provide a link where you can go to get “instructions” on how you need to move your site at GoDaddy from the Windows based system to the Plesk based system.

Here’s what the GoDaddy “migration” Page offers in terms of instructions:

Moving from Free Windows Hosting to Plesk

Honestly — thanks for sticking with us and setting up your free Plesk account. We’ll make sure this account is worth your time. Before we get started, there are a few things we have to get out of the way:

  • This whole process will take a few hours. There’s no need to make it happen all at once. The guide’s kind of long because there’s a few things you have to do.
  • Your website will go down for a little while. You can minimize this time by prepping everything before hand (which we’ll guide you through), but it can be up to a few hours. We’re giving you control over when you do this.
  • If you aren’t technical, you might need a Web developer to help you out if you’re running a complicated website (e.g. an eCommerce site).
  • If you are technical, it’s important to note your database host names will change. You’ll need to update any code that uses them.

And then they walk you through 6 impossible and complicated steps you have to follow to move your site. It could take hours if you were a brain-mushed geek with nothing to do in your life. Your website could be done for 24 hours or days. And maybe, it will work right if you did everything the right way. (Click here to visit the idiotic stupid Geek written page of mishmash instructions.)

Well, fortunately, we’re not all Geeks. There is an even easier solution.


HostGator (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Simply give direct a new domain name to your website, something like (In otherwords, change the domain to any name on your GoDaddy website.)

Download your entire website pages and files to your hard drive.

Then go to HostGator at and open up an account there. Select a new hosting service but not a domain name (tell them you already have one). It costs $66.

Once that site is running (5 minutes), then go to the FTP controls and UPLOAD all of the files you downloaded from GoDaddy to your hard drive to the new site you just purchased.

Now, go back to GoDaddy and redirect your domain name to the two nameserver addresses that HostGator will give you.

And in minutes, the website that GoDaddy said was being threatened with extinction is now up and running as if nothing happened. No delays in your move. No disappearance from the web for 24 hours or more as GoDaddy warns is inevitable int heir process.

You can then move your domain name to HostGator later with minimal disruption, or leave it at the worthless site as a punishment that society must pay for the moral corruption of the computer technology industry.


It’s time for consumers to move their websites
from to other sites to avoid the
hassles and keep them viable


Can you imagine anyone agreeing to have their website down for 24-hours or more?

That’s unbelievable. What does THAT say about the lack of concern that has for its customers?

This isn’t the only problem has.

It’s websites are so slow that the technicians are separating websites and placing some that they like on faster servers and some that they dislike on slower servers. Most websites are on “shared” servers so when a server at GoDaddy is crowded, you feel the “rushhour” traffic that slows your site down to a crawl.

Hosting a WordPress site at GoDaddy is the biggest mistake anyone can make. The wordpress system is one of the best when it comes to design, but it’s terrible when it comes to practicality, unless your site is barebones and simple.

That’s not a problem at HostGator.

Of course, HostGator will probably go the same route that GoDaddy, Yahoo and Network Solutions went. Greed does a lot to corrupt a good thing. But for now, you are better off following my suggestions above rather than trying to “migrate” your important website on GoDaddy yourself from a “Who gives a shit Windows system” to a “who gives a shit Plesk system.”

GoDaddy? No. I’m Going, Going, Going GoneDaddy!

Ray Hanania

Ray Hanania

Blogger, Columnist at Illinois News Network Online
Ray Hanania is senior blogger for the Illinois News Network news site. He is an award winning former Chicago City Hall political reporter and columnist who covered the beat from 1976 through 1992 (From Mayor Daley to Mayor Daley). And, Hanania is a stubborn and loud critic of the biased mainstream American news media.

Hanania Chicago political beats and Chicago City Hall at the Daily Southtown Newspapers (1976-1985) and the Chicago Sun-Times (1985-1992). He published the The Villager Community Newspapers covering 12 Southwest suburban regions (1993-1997). Hanania also hosted live political news radio talkshows on WLS AM (1980 - 1991), and also on WBBM FM, WLUP FM, WSBC AM in Chicago, and WNZK AM in Detroit.

Hanania is the recipient of four (4) Chicago Headline Club “Peter Lisagor Awards” for Column writing. In November 2006, he was named “Best Ethnic American Columnist” by the New American Media;In 2009, he received the prestigious Sigma Delta Chi Award for Writing from the Society of Professional Journalists. Hanania has also received two (2) Chicago Stick-o-Type awards from the Chicago Newspaper Guild, and in 1990 was nominated by the Chicago Sun-Times for a Pulitzer Prize for his four-part series on the Palestinian Intifada.

Hanania’s writings have been published in newspapers around the world. He currently is syndicated through Creators Syndicate. He has written for the Jerusalem Post,, Newsday in New York, the Orlando Sentinel, the Houston Chronicle, The Daily Star of Lebanon, the News of the World in London, the Daily Yomimuri in Tokyo, Chicago Magazine, the Arlington Heights Daily Herald, The Saudi Gazette, the Arab News in Jeddah, and Aramco Magazine.

Hanania's Chicagoland columns are published in the Southwest News-Herald, the Des Plaines Valley News, the Regional News and the Palos Reporter newspapers.

He is President/CEO of Urban Strategies Group media and public affairs consulting which has clients in Illinois, Florida, Michigan and Washington D.C.

His personal website is Email him at: [email protected].
Ray Hanania