Greeting Cupich with Da Bears, or Da Poor?
Greeting Cupich with Da Bears, or Da Poor? 5.00/5 (100.00%) 1 vote
Greeting Cupich with Da Bears, or Da Poor?
By Ray Hanania

Ray Hanania
I watched Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel greet the new Cardinal of the Catholic Archdiocese Blasé Cupich with a collection of gifts that reflected the city’s mood these days.
That mood? Well, it coincides with the sports season. Basbeall season is coming to an end along with soccer and we’re moving into Chicago Bears Football.
So Emanuel gave the incoming Cardinal a Bears cap, a Bears scraf and a Bears blanket, all Orange and Blue.
But it made me think. Chicago’s Mayor gives the “shepherd” of the Catholic Church sports memorabilia as a welcome?
If the mayor had some imagination, he might have used the moment to make a case for the problems Chicago faces, showing that maybe this uncaring political chief executive might have a soft side for the needy, for example.
And that got me thinking, too.
What do the poor have? I mean, what do the poor, homeless, the unsheltered, the hungry and the starved have besides frustration and little hope?

Blase Cupich
They have nothing. No one thinks about them. No one really cares about them. More and more as I drive around Chicagoland I see people begging for handouts as cars drive by. Men with scraggly beards and tattered clothing, and women, too. Some bring their entire family to the street intersection with the husband and wife, presumably, working the stopped cars at the street light and the kids sitting in the grass nearby.
No one thinks about them. No one is really helping them.
Maybe if the poor had a symbol of their suffering that can be used as an icon, like the Bears Memorabilia, politicians like Emanuel could use them to bring attention to their needs.
I admit, the Bears are pretty needy. But the poor are more needy. Desperately needy.
Don’t be so judgmental, yet. I mean a hat that people where with a logo that symbolizes the poor. Colors. A Scarf, which would really be appropriate since most of the poor on the street are barely clothed in the winter and shudder in the cold. Maybe a blanket, for sure.
A logo of a hand reaching out for help?
What colors? Green? Light blue? Colors that might symbolize softness and need.
Can you imagine Mayor Emanuel giving Cardinal Cupcih a green and light blue hat with a “open hand” on its front as a logo, as a gift? Or gifts?

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel
Maybe one of the lowlife reporters covering the event might ask, “Whatz dat fir, maer?” It might have provoked a public discussion about the many poor people out there who have no support, no healthcare, no food, no clothing, and worse, no hope.
The low-life news media would probably attack Da Mayor for “mocking” da poor. The low-life news media are the scourge of society. So hypocritical, biased, compromised and unethical, driven by selfish purpose.
It might have been cool to see Emanuel tackle the reporters to the ground and give them a few swift kicks. They certainly deserve it.
The media doesn’t care about the poor, but every media organization has a fundraising effort “for the poor” around the Holidays. It’s not really “for” the poor. It’s “for” publicity, to help the struggling news media.
I don’t know which I dislike more: The few corrupt news media or the few corrupt politicians? But I do wish someone in authority would do something to help the many, many poor.
Cardinal Cupich doesn’t need Bears garbage. He needs help, to help the poor.
(Ray Hanania is a former Chicago City Hall reporter and political columnist. Reach him at [email protected].)

Blogger, Columnist at Illinois News Network Online
Ray Hanania is senior blogger for the Illinois News Network online news site. He is an award winning former Chicago City Hall political reporter and columnist who covered the beat from 1976 through 1992 (From Mayor Daley to Mayor Daley).
In 1976, he was hired by the Chicago community newspaper The Southtown Economist (Daily Southtown) and in 1985 was hired by the Chicago Sun-Times and covered Chicago City Hall for both. In 1993, he launched the “The Villager” Newspapers which covered 12 Southwest Chicagoland suburban regions. He hosted a live weekend Radio Show on WLS AM radio from 1980 through 1991, and also on WBBM FM, WLUP FM and shows on WSBC AM in Chicago and WNZK AM in Detroit.
Hanania is the recipient of four (4) Chicago Headline Club “Peter Lisagor Awards” for Column writing. In November 2006, he was named “Best Ethnic American Columnist” by the New American Media;In 2009, he received the prestigious Sigma Delta Chi Award for Writing from the Society of Professional Journalists. Hanania has also received two (2) Chicago Stick-o-Type awards from the Chicago Newspaper Guild, and in 1990 was nominated by the Chicago Sun-Times for a Pulitzer Prize for his four-part series on the Palestinian Intifada.
Hanania’s writings have been published in newspapers around the world. He currently is syndicated through Creators Syndicate and his column is feature every Sunday in the Saudi Gazette in Saudi Arabia. He has written for the Jerusalem Post,, Newsday in New York, the Orlando Sentinel, the Houston Chronicle, The Daily Star, the News of the World, the Daily Yomimuri in Tokyo, Chicago Magazine, the Arlington Heights Daily Herald, and Aramco Magazine. His Chicagoland political columns are published in the Southwest News-Herald and Des Plaines Valley News on several Chicagoland blogs including the and
Hanania is the President/CEO of Urban Strategies Group media and public affairs consulting which has clients in Illinois, Florida, Michigan and Washington D.C.
His personal website is Email him at:
[email protected].
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Greeting Cupich with Da Bears, or Da Poor?
Greeting Cupich with Da Bears, or Da Poor?
By Ray Hanania
Ray Hanania
I watched Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel greet the new Cardinal of the Catholic Archdiocese Blasé Cupich with a collection of gifts that reflected the city’s mood these days.
That mood? Well, it coincides with the sports season. Basbeall season is coming to an end along with soccer and we’re moving into Chicago Bears Football.
So Emanuel gave the incoming Cardinal a Bears cap, a Bears scraf and a Bears blanket, all Orange and Blue.
But it made me think. Chicago’s Mayor gives the “shepherd” of the Catholic Church sports memorabilia as a welcome?
If the mayor had some imagination, he might have used the moment to make a case for the problems Chicago faces, showing that maybe this uncaring political chief executive might have a soft side for the needy, for example.
And that got me thinking, too.
What do the poor have? I mean, what do the poor, homeless, the unsheltered, the hungry and the starved have besides frustration and little hope?
Blase Cupich
They have nothing. No one thinks about them. No one really cares about them. More and more as I drive around Chicagoland I see people begging for handouts as cars drive by. Men with scraggly beards and tattered clothing, and women, too. Some bring their entire family to the street intersection with the husband and wife, presumably, working the stopped cars at the street light and the kids sitting in the grass nearby.
No one thinks about them. No one is really helping them.
Maybe if the poor had a symbol of their suffering that can be used as an icon, like the Bears Memorabilia, politicians like Emanuel could use them to bring attention to their needs.
I admit, the Bears are pretty needy. But the poor are more needy. Desperately needy.
Don’t be so judgmental, yet. I mean a hat that people where with a logo that symbolizes the poor. Colors. A Scarf, which would really be appropriate since most of the poor on the street are barely clothed in the winter and shudder in the cold. Maybe a blanket, for sure.
A logo of a hand reaching out for help?
What colors? Green? Light blue? Colors that might symbolize softness and need.
Can you imagine Mayor Emanuel giving Cardinal Cupcih a green and light blue hat with a “open hand” on its front as a logo, as a gift? Or gifts?
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel
Maybe one of the lowlife reporters covering the event might ask, “Whatz dat fir, maer?” It might have provoked a public discussion about the many poor people out there who have no support, no healthcare, no food, no clothing, and worse, no hope.
The low-life news media would probably attack Da Mayor for “mocking” da poor. The low-life news media are the scourge of society. So hypocritical, biased, compromised and unethical, driven by selfish purpose.
It might have been cool to see Emanuel tackle the reporters to the ground and give them a few swift kicks. They certainly deserve it.
The media doesn’t care about the poor, but every media organization has a fundraising effort “for the poor” around the Holidays. It’s not really “for” the poor. It’s “for” publicity, to help the struggling news media.
I don’t know which I dislike more: The few corrupt news media or the few corrupt politicians? But I do wish someone in authority would do something to help the many, many poor.
Cardinal Cupich doesn’t need Bears garbage. He needs help, to help the poor.
(Ray Hanania is a former Chicago City Hall reporter and political columnist. Reach him at [email protected].)
Ray Hanania
In 1976, he was hired by the Chicago community newspaper The Southtown Economist (Daily Southtown) and in 1985 was hired by the Chicago Sun-Times and covered Chicago City Hall for both. In 1993, he launched the “The Villager” Newspapers which covered 12 Southwest Chicagoland suburban regions. He hosted a live weekend Radio Show on WLS AM radio from 1980 through 1991, and also on WBBM FM, WLUP FM and shows on WSBC AM in Chicago and WNZK AM in Detroit.
Hanania is the recipient of four (4) Chicago Headline Club “Peter Lisagor Awards” for Column writing. In November 2006, he was named “Best Ethnic American Columnist” by the New American Media;In 2009, he received the prestigious Sigma Delta Chi Award for Writing from the Society of Professional Journalists. Hanania has also received two (2) Chicago Stick-o-Type awards from the Chicago Newspaper Guild, and in 1990 was nominated by the Chicago Sun-Times for a Pulitzer Prize for his four-part series on the Palestinian Intifada.
Hanania’s writings have been published in newspapers around the world. He currently is syndicated through Creators Syndicate and his column is feature every Sunday in the Saudi Gazette in Saudi Arabia. He has written for the Jerusalem Post,, Newsday in New York, the Orlando Sentinel, the Houston Chronicle, The Daily Star, the News of the World, the Daily Yomimuri in Tokyo, Chicago Magazine, the Arlington Heights Daily Herald, and Aramco Magazine. His Chicagoland political columns are published in the Southwest News-Herald and Des Plaines Valley News on several Chicagoland blogs including the and
Hanania is the President/CEO of Urban Strategies Group media and public affairs consulting which has clients in Illinois, Florida, Michigan and Washington D.C.
His personal website is Email him at: [email protected].
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