Morton West High school confiscates unloaded weapon from student

Morton West High school confiscates unloaded weapon from student

Morton District 201 LogoMorton High School District 201 officials said that the school’s safety team confiscated an unloaded handgun Tuesday afternoon from a student at the Morton West campus.

Board President Jeffrey Pesek said the student, whose name is being withheld because he is a juvenile, has been immediately suspended pending expulsion proceedings.

Pesek praised the vigilance of the students and school safety team, which includes school and local law enforcement officers.

“We are very proud of the students who reported the incident to our safety team. They did the right thing,” Pesek said.

“The safety of our students is our top priority. The student in this incident will be disciplined by both the Berwyn Police and the school.”

Pesek said police believe the student brought the handgun, which was unloaded, to show to other students and possibly to sell.

“He did not have any ammunition with the weapon,” Pesek said.

Pesek said that Morton’s security team trains with local police from Berwyn and Cicero to ensure safety at the school.


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