Resignations: School District 103 in Disarray

Resignations: School District 103 in Disarray

Candidates say schools need new leadership

Washington Middle School Lyons District 103

Washington Middle School Lyons District 103

This week, three top officials at School District 103 resigned their offices. They include School Superintendent Mary Jo Vladika, the Chief Executive Offidcer, and her executive secretary Marge Kubicek, and the Principal of George Washington Middle School John Billingsley, the largest school in the district.

The resignations come in the wake of months of protests from residents over the failure of the school district to provide the best education to its 2,600 students.

School District 103, which serves Lyons, McCook, Stickney, Forest View and Brookfield,  has six schools, five of which feed into Washington Middle School, making the Middle School critical to the district’s education agenda.

The resignations come in the middle of a heated election battle that pits five challengers seeking to replace five incumbents who the challengers said have brought the schools to a new low during the past few years.

The five challengers are Catherine “KATIE” Broderick, Michael “MIKE” Bennett, Jorge “RENE” Torres, Coleen “DAWN” Shipbaugh, and Gregory “GREG’ Ramirez and they are seeking to unseat the incumbents.

“This is a wakeup call to the district. That’s why we need leadership now and the voters can bring this chaos to an end on April 7,” Katie Broderick said.

“If there was ever a louder statement of no confidence in School District 103’s current leadership, the three resignations are a cry for new leadership because our students are important,” said Greg Ramirez.

“We have 2,600 students who are now in the middle of their school year and the school district is collapsing around them. We need to take charge immediately,” said Mike Bennett.

“Voters can end this disarray by going to the polls next week on Tuesday April 7 and vote to bring about change and new leadership at District 103 schools,” said Jorge Torres.


FOR MOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Greg Ramirez 312-446-1467


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