Orland Park salutes religious diversity in new campaign

Orland Park salutes religious diversity in new campaign 5.00/5 (100.00%) 1 vote

Village of Orland Park Unveils “A Video Tour of Orland Park’s Faith Community.” More Than 20 Orland Park Area Houses of Worship Featured in Village Video

OrlandFaithVideoThe Village of Orland Park has added to its growing number of community oriented productions with its “Video Tour of Orland Park’s Faith Community.”

“There are more than 20 houses of worship that serve Orland Park and we want people to know about all that our community offers,” said Orland Park Mayor Dan McLaughlin.

McLaughlin proposed the video series having been invited to programs at many of Orland Park’s religious facilities.

“Over the years, I’ve been invited to celebrations and events at our different houses of worship and learned more and more about religions other than my own,” the mayor said. “I thought the citizens of Orland Park would find value in learning about the different faith communities.”

“Most people only know about their own houses of worship and these video tours will help them learn about the others in town. It’s a nice way to see what other faith communities offer without having to travel to find out,” he said.

Divided into four parts, Orland Park’s “A Video Tour of Orland Park’s Faith Community” is available on the village’s YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/VillageofOrlandPark. The four videos appear in the playlist called “Houses of Worship,” visible on the left margin of the opening page. [View all four videos at bottom of page.]

It is also airing on the village’s cable television channel, Orland Park Comcast Channel 4 and U-Verse Channel 99.

All four parts air consecutively on Saturday and Sunday beginning at 9 a.m.

Part I, featuring St. Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic, Eagle Rock, Annunciation Bysantine, Calvary and Faith United Methodist Churches, airs on Monday at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

Part 2, featuring visits to All Saints Lutheran, Ashburn Baptist, Our Lady of the Woods, Christian Hills Church and the Orland Park Prayer Center, airs on Tuesdays at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

Part 3 includes Orland Park Christian Reformed Church, St. Michael, Hope Covenant, Christ Lutheran, Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian and St. Julie Billiart Church and airs on Wednesdays at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

Orland Park houses of worship included in Part 4 of the series include SouthBridge, St. Elizabeth Seton, Stone Church, Living Word Lutheran, Parkview Christian and the Presbyterian Church in Orland Park. Part IV airs at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. on Thursdays.

“We’re very proud of all of the faith communities that serve Orland Park,” McLaughlin said, adding, “And, while their services and administrations are different, many of their programs are very similar. This is a nice tool for new residents to find out which will best serve their needs.”





(For more information contact Joe La Margo, Public Information Officer, 708-403-6150)


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